general, OSC will follow the US Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing, 2005-2008 edition.
EXCEPTIONS include the following:
PROTESTS: No protests will
be accepted by the Race Committee. Captains are expected to work out their differences
in a courteous and friendly manner.
A race may be cancelled or the finish line adjusted, due to severe weather, lack of wind, or if the lead boat has not
traveled two statutory miles in one hour. Captains may contact the committee boat during the race to request an adjusted course
or a cancellation. However, a race is not cancelled until the committee boat
makes an announcement. The committee boat makes the final decision on all cancellations
or course changes. Racers are responsible for monitoring VHF Channel 9 (or other
designated channel) before and during a race to learn of any changes or cancellations.
POINTS: We will continue
to use the following method of awarding points: Racing and Cruising fleets are
scored separately. The first place boat in each fleet (racing or cruising) will
receive 0.75 points. The second place will receive 2.0 points, the third will
receive 3.0 points, and so on. The Spring and Fall seasons are considered separate
series. Racing fleet will be allowed to drop their worst finish (highest points),
and cruising fleet will be allowed to drop their two worst finishes for the series (if there are more than 3 races; otherwise
they drop one race). The boat in each fleet with the lowest number of points at the end of the season will be awarded a first
place trophy for the season, second lowest points will receive a second place trophy, and third lowest will receive the third
place trophy.
DNF and DNS: If
you start a race but do not finish (DNF), you will be awarded points equal to the number of boats to finish, plus one. If you do not start a race (DNS), you will be awarded points equal to the number of
boats to START plus TWO. The lowest number of points awarded for a DNS will be
5. Examples: 1) 6 boats start a race and only 4 finish; the two boats that drop
out (DNF) receive 5 points, and all the boats that did not start (DNS) receive 8 points. 2) 2 boats start a race and finish;
all the boats that did not start (DNS) receive 5 points. 3) 8 boats start &
finish; DNS receives 10 points.
the race is a multi-race event, in which a series of 2 or 3 races count as one for the season's standings, then a DNF will
be awarded points equal to the greatest number of boats to finish any single race, plus one.
This is to ensure that we score all the races in a series in a consistent manner.
For example, if 6 boats start the first race and 5 finish, a DNF in that race would be awarded 6 points. If only 5 boats start the second race and 3 boats finish, a DNF would be awarded 6 points, not 4 as they
would with a single-race event. A DNS for any of the races would get 8 points.
(Performance Handicap Racing Fleet) is a locally administered handicapping system that uses the perceived speed potential
of a yacht as the basis for the handicap. An initial handicap is assigned based on comparisons with similar yachts. The handicap
may then be adjusted based on the performance of the class of the yacht. In most
fleets there is no credit for lack of sailing skill or boat preparation. The handicap is based on the yacht being sailed by
a top-notch crew with the best equipment. The PHRF system handicaps yachts, not sailors.
Ozark Sailing Club uses the Time On Time (TOT) method of handicapping races. The
actual time in seconds is multiplied by the Time Correction Factor (TCF) to determine the corrected (adjusted) time. The formula used to determine the Time Correction Factor is: 650 ÷ (550 + PHRF)
more information on handicaps & rules, check the US SAILING website:
Tom Falb (chair), John Hoerner, Darrell Lawrence, Gail Morris(statistician),
Scott Pasley