The Mainsheet Newsletter is emailed out to the Ozark Sailing Club membership before and after every event. Check below
for the most recent edition.
Ozark Sailing Club
Mainsheet Newsletter
Monday April 20th 2009
Limbo Race Report and Results
Thunderstorms, lightning, and a cold front with 60 mph winds were on the docket for the limbo race Saturday..unfortunately
the cold front decided to stall over Western Missouri at the scheduled 12:00PM race start, leaving the fleet drifting! Boat
was parked right on the starting line, taking what start honors were to be had and sitting in what would have been a perfect
lee bow position on Dream Weaver if there had been any wind! Enzian was in a clear lane just short of the line, but also lacking
a motivating breeze.
Alice Childress and Slow Ride appeared to give the fleet a head start by being quite some distance from the line at the
start, but they were the only boats with any wind and slowly caught the fleet as the wind built from behind.
Alice Childress took an early Velocity Made Good gamble and sailed away from the fleet to the south shore, then tacked
back to close with the fleet having rolled 3 boats. BOAT with her light displacement and a poled out jib made the best use
of the zephyrs that passed up the course to jump out to an early lead, while the bigger boats continued to pray for the cold
front to move in.
The first hour of drifting finally received an infusion of excitement when the fine folks at the Missouri State Water Patrol
decided to help the fleet by attempting to detain Enzian. I say they ATTEMPTED to stop Enzian because her Captain and crew
used the light conditions and slow drifting as an excuse to keep the sails up while discussing Admiralty Law as it pertains
to vessel registration with the officers who dared attempt to slow her down during a regatta! After a 20 minute discussion
the water patrol decided that there has been enough recent news coverage about high seas piracy and government boarding of
vessels to leave well enough alone and Enzian went back to drifting in peace.
BOAT took advantage of Enzian's distraction and opened up a healthy lead on the fleet, while Alice Childress and Slow Ride
gained ground. Dream Weaver resigned herself to the fact that without more wind she just would not sail and focused on the
stereo and on board conversation. At this point, Ameren UE must have opened the dam for Dream Weaver was moving backwards
for a bit and Slow Ride and Enzian ended up with their bows pointed back at the starting line! Having had her only excitement
provided by the Water Patrol and not the sailing conditions, Enzian proposed a race abandonment. BOAT replied with a report
of a strengthening breeze, the committee boat advised a 30 minute wait to see if the breeze filled in, and Dream Weaver suggested
a course change to a finish line at the Lodge of Four Seasons. The wait and course change were deemed agreeable by the fleet,
and the breeze started to fill. BOAT was first to take off from the fleet, opening a sizeable lead, only to have Enzian fill
her sails and use her superior boat speed to overtake boat and take a scratch lead that she would hold for the rest of the
regatta. Alice Childress and Slow Ride were next to fill the sails, leaving Dream Weaver stalled at the back of the fleet.
A brief rain shower moved in, forcing everyone to break out foul weather gear only to have the rain stop as soon as everyone
was dressed for rain! Fortunately, the rain brought a steady breeze that let the fleet begin to register speeds in the 2 to
4 knot range on a consistent basis. Alice Childress opened up a lead on Slow Ride while Dream Weaver finally got going and
began to catch the lighter boats. Enzian crossed the line well ahead of the fleet, while Boat used the freshening breeze to
cross in second only 11 minutes behind on scratch time! Alice Childress had moved into strong command in 3rd, only to find
a late charging Dream Weaver coming up fast.
Slow Ride continued her day long steady sail towards the finish line.
Alice Childress and Dream Weaver had a hard fought match race for the final mile of the course. Dream Weaver sailed a high
line to cut a half mile gap down to just a few boat lengths, then slowly soaked down on Alice Childress' wind to pull within
half a boat length. Knowing what Dream Weaver was up to, the crew aboard Alice Childress bore away to get clear air, which
also put them in the middle of the channel and left Dream Weaver in the lee of the north shore. The ensuing boat speed battle
saw the two boats gaining and losing ground to each other all the way to the finish line, with Alice Childress using the cleaner
air to pull ahead and beat Dream Weaver by more than a minute scratch. Slow Ride continued her impressive run for the day
finishing within 5 minutes of Alice Childress and Dream Weaver.
The post race social event was at Ozark Yacht Club
( again. The shore team for the Alice Childress syndicate had burgers and brat's ready for the
hungry crew's as they arrived. The brief rain shower and warm temperatures earlier in the day made it a perfect evening for
sitting out on the deck at the yacht club and discussing the drifting/racing earlier in the day. Enzian filled everyone in
on their exchange of pleasantries with the water patrol, a dapper John and Sharon Hoerner made an appearance on their way
to prom, and Alice Childress/Dream Weaver went over their match race move by move.
All things considered, what started off as a drifter turned into a fun day on the water and excellent social event. Congratulations
to Alice Childress for her victory on the day!! I hope to see you all this coming Saturday, April 25th. The race is scheduled
for two, likely 3, windward leeward races near the 8 mile mark. Depending on wind direction the course will be somewhere between
the 6 and 8 mile mark, so be sure to arrive a little early for a final course update. Post regatta gathering will be at Ozark
Yacht Club again, with America's Cup highlights shown on their new entertainment center! A notice of race and post race specifics
will be sent later this week when Saturday's forecast becomes more reliable.
Limbo Race Results
Member Boat Name Actual Time Corrected
Time Result
LAWRENCE Alice Childress 2:42:26 8174 .75
HOERNER BOAT 2:34:18 8255 2.0
GARRETT Slow Ride 2:48:32 8717 3.0
PASLEY,J Dream Weaver 2:43:54 8878 4.0
UNGERBOECK Enzian 2:23:59 9116 5.0
Ozark Sailing Club
Mainsheet Newsletter
March 17, 2009
Greetings Sailors!
The 2009 sailing season is just around the corner,
and the prospects for the club in 2009 are great! There is a lot of information provided in this mainsheet, so please read
through it all. This mainsheet contains a report from the 2009 annual meeting, information about a proposed partnership with
the Ozark Yacht Club, the 2009 schedule, and much more. Our club thrives on the active participation of our membership, so
please feel free to email any suggestions, concerns, or support you may have for anything mentioned in this newsletter to
me at
2009 Annual Meeting
JJ Twigs hosted
the event this year, and it was great! The club had a private room with a bar manned by none other than the club’s very
own bow-man supreme Eric “Cheez” Heiberger. The club provided pizza and salad for the event, and with 30 people
in attendance there was plenty of member driven entertainment. Scott Pasley served as MC and kicked things off with a quick
review of the 2008 season and recognition of regatta and series winners. The floor was then opened to discussion about club
business, and Scott made a motion that the 2009 race committee be given the authority to establish a points system for awarding
an overall annual winner and funds to purchase an appropriate trophy. This motion was seconded and a voice count passed the
motion. With no further business (at least that I can recall!) the members in attendance began the nomination of officers
for the 2009 season.
Jim and Karen Pasley failed to attend the meeting
as they were sailing in the BVI’s, so the club promptly punished them by nominating and unanimously voting them to serve
as Social Committee chairs for the 2009 season….hope your trip was worth it Jim and Karen! Since Cheez was distracted
while working the bar, he was nominated and named Treasurer before he could voice too much opposition. Casey “soon to
be” Lawrence (Darrel and Casey announced their engagement at the party, congratulations!) volunteered
to serve as both Statistician AND Secretary for 2009. A special thanks to Casey for taking this on, and to Eva Mac and Gail
Morris for filling these roles for so many years. Not to be outranked by his soon-to-be bride, Darrell Lawrence was nominated
for and accepted the position of Race Committee Chair. Don Milner, John Hoerner, Cheez,and
Mrs. Lawrence volunteered to serve on the Race Committee. Scott Pasley was nominated for and accepted to serve as Commodore
for the 2009 season.
Officer election wrapped up the official business
and everyone returned to having fun. Thank you to everyone that attended, and special thanks to those of you who volunteered
to serve as officers in 2009. Anyone that is interested in serving as a committee member should email the head of the committee
or Scott Pasley.
One final note
on the meeting. The staff at JJ Twigs was not only excellent in how they treated us at the event. They were EXTREMELY generous
in what they charged the club for the food and they allowed us to use the private room at no charge. Please keep this in mind
when visiting the lake this year and repay their kindness to the club by placing them at the top of your list of places for
dining out.
Ozark Yacht Club Partnership
Ozark Yacht Club, the former Glencove Yacht Club
facility at the 1 mile mark, has contacted Commodore Pasley about providing the sailing club with a home base of operations.
Ozark Yacht Club is set to become a first class sailor friendly marina. I met with the new owner and General Manager Greg
Minor to discuss their plans for the marina and was amazed at the progress that has already been made. They already have plans
to host an annual sailing regatta, the MidAmerica’s Cup Regatta! More importantly, they have extended an invitation
for the Ozark Sailing Club to tour the facility and discuss the possibility of basing the sailing club out of Ozark Yacht
Club. Please make plans to visit the Ozark Yacht Club Saturday March 21st
at 10:00AM. We will have an informal meeting and all Ozark Sailing Club members
are encouraged to attend as this meeting could have a major impact on our club going forward. You can get a preview of the
Ozark Yacht Club at . Directions to the facility:
Coming southwest
on Highway 54 from Jefferson City, Mo, exit at Bagnell dam and proceed on business 54 one mile across the dam to Flynn road.
Turn right onto Flynn road (at the roadside clock).After .02 miles turn left onto Westwind
Drive. After .1 mile you will arrive at the Ozark Yacht Club.
2009 Schedule
Below you will find the schedule for the 2009
season. The summer and fall schedule is subject to further revision, but the spring schedule should not change much if any.
Please note that the first regatta is April 4th. Also, there is an event scheduled for March 28th for
folks to gather and prepare for the 2009 season. We hope to see as many Captains as possible attend the event on the 28th
to discuss the upcoming season. As the schedule focuses mainly on racing, I would like to take this opportunity to remind
everyone that if you are looking for crew, would like to crew, are interested in participating in a regatta but want an “old
timer” to sail your boat with you in your first race, or just have general questions about our regattas please email
Scott Pasley or Darrell Lawrence. OSC regattas are designed to be challenging yet family friendly. We do not have protest
committees and win-at-all-cost racers in our club. The club mission is to promote sailing, not see who can win the most trophies,
so all are encouraged to come out and enjoy the fun!
Ozark Sailing Club
Mainsheet Newsletter
March 14th, 2008
Greetings Sailors,
The 2007 season came to an end and the 2008 season got off to a great start at the
Pasley's on March 8th. More than 20 sailors attended the annual meeting, and there were many new and newer members at the
event. With many of the "regulars" unable to make the meeting and still having 20 people in attendance 2008 is shaping up
to be a great year. Social activities began at 2:00 PM, with many members getting together to discuss the 2007 season and
ideas for 2008. Dinner was served at 5:00 with entertainment provided by all of the tall tales being told and a DVD playing
the final race of the 32nd America's Cup. After dinner Scott Pasley called the meeting to order and
the club got down to the business of celebrating 2007 and planing 2008. Gail Morris was kind enough to take notes of the meeting.
I have added my recollections of the discussion as well and included the notes below for your review:
OSC Annual Meeting March 8, 2008
Presiding: Scott Pasley, Past Commodore
Meeting Discussions
1. Barbie Ressel: A moment of silence honored
the memory of Barbie Ressel, beloved wife of Commodore Don Ressel, who passed away on February 29th. Her
wit and her generosity as hostess extraordinaire for many OSC parties will be sorely missed by those that knew and loved her.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Don and his family. For those of you that were not at the meeting, I
encourage you to take a moment now to reflect on your memories of Barbie.
2. Treasurer’s Report: Darrell Lawrence
was unable to make it to the meeting, but provided Scott with the club budget from 2007. The club spent approximately $100.00
more than it took in during 2007, but still carried a balance of almost $2600.00 into 2008. It was agreed upon by the membership
that there was no need for concern and club dues will remain at $35.00 per household for 2008.
3. 2008 Schedule: A proposed 2008 schedule was
shared with group. Members of the 2007 race committee and club members that arrived at the party before the event had modified
a preliminary schedule and opened it for discussion. All members present agreed the schedule would serve well for the 2008
4. Committee Boats/Social Event Hosts: A request
was made for volunteers to act as committee boat for races (contact Tom Falb), and hosts for parties after races or at any
time during the year (contact Scott). Several members volunteered but there are many open dates on the schedule so please
contact Tom or Scott if you are willing to host an event or assist in keeping race times at a regatta.
5. Public Relations: Scott said the Lake Sun
Leader and West Side newspapers will list the notices of races as well as race results, with boat name and owner.
This was done last year and provided free publicity for the club. He asked if making that information public was still
OK with the membership. All captains present indicated that it was acceptable so we will continue this
practice in 2008. If you intend on sailing in a club regatta this year and do not want your boat name/race result information
included please let Scott know.
6. Regattas, part 1: Discussion
on whether to have one fleet for the Spring season, or split into Racing and Cruising fleets. It was agreed
to have one fleet, until more boats join in the races. We can revisit this during the summer, before the
start of the Fall season.
7. Regattas, part 2: Discussion about doing
a “reverse start” for at least one race this spring, where the start is staggered based on PHRF. Theoretically
all boats would finish close to the same time. This is dependent on having an exact measurement of the
course. Scott will work on getting a course measured, he and Gail can work out start times. A race will
be chosen to try this on and Scott volunteered to serve as committee boat.
8. Regattas, part 3: Discussed doing a staggered
start, where the boats with higher PHRFs (e.g. over 170) start first, and boats with lower PHRFs start 15 or 20 minutes later.
This makes the end of the race more interesting for everyone, and gives the “slow” boats a chance to lead
instead of always being in the back of the pack. This also relieves congestion at the start of the race.
The club agreed to try this out and revisit the results throughout the season.
9. Regattas, part 4: Everyone would like to
see a dedicated committee boat, if possible. This would provide less confusion as to who exactly is serving as committee boat
and make it easier to keep track of exact times, especially if we do staggered starts. If a captain chooses
to committee instead of race, the impact on the standings is minimized by averaging the finish of that captain’s other
races throughout the season, and using that as the finish for that race.
10. Racing Marks: Tom Falb and Scott Pasley pointed out the need to replace
the unwieldy and aging racing marks. Discussion centered on the cost of “real” racing marks, but the Inflatable
ones are quite expensive, and much more likely to be stolen if not watched closely by a dedicated committee boat.
The point was made that homemade marks have been working, but need to use more of them rather than trying to use Snake
Island (which can be dangerous at low lake levels) or a range line (which is not very accurate). The club decided to let Scott
explore the feasibility of purchasing inexpensive race marks. If no race marks that fit the club budget can be located by
March 22nd, new marks will be constructed.
11. Regattas, Part 5: Jim Pasley opened discussion on trying some changes
to race start times, like starting at 10:00 or 11:00 instead of noon . Jim pointed out that the wind often
dies down at midday , and power boat traffic picks up. Scott countered that on the down side, many sailors
don’t want to get up that early on a weekend day and depending on the location of the race start an early start requires
some captains to leave their homes VERY early to make it to the start line on time. Consensus was to try
starting at least one race early, especially later in the spring season when there is more boat traffic.
12. Communications: Several members expressed a desire to have some form
of communication other than the website. To facilitate communication with all captains in the fleet, we will try to post the
cell number of the committee boat captain before the race. This will help anyone who has problems with
their VHF radio, or is out of range, when there are last-minute changes to course or start times. There will also be a list
of contact numbers provided to the club so the locals can be available to assist others in checking on homes,boats, etc. in
the off season.
13. Trophies for the 2007 season were distributed. Updated list of award
recipients will be emailed to the club and posted to the club website soon. Congratulations to all of the trophy winners from
2007, and thank you to all that participated in the regattas. 2007 Results:
Spring 2007
Racing Fleet
1) Ressel High
Noon 8.25
2) Falb Defiance 10.50
3) Morris Island Express 17.00
4) Ungerboeck Enzian 17.75
5) Hoerner Boat 23.0
6) Lawrence Alice Childress 24.00
Cruising Fleet
1) Lueckenhoff Little Blue Feet 1.50
2) Pasley Dream Weaver 3.75
3) Milner True
Love 7.00
Mort Platt Trophy: Ressel
High Noon
Four Seasons Cup: Ungerboeck
Enzian, Lueckenhoff Little Blue Feet
Commodore’s Cup: Falb
Defiance Lueckenhoff Little Blue Feet
Fall 2007
Single Fleet Scoring
1)Falb Defiance 5.5
1)Ressel High Noon 5.5
3)Ungerboeck Enzian 10.75
4) Hoerner Boat 12.75
5) Pasley S Shadowfax 15.60
6) Milner True Love 18.0
7)Lueckenhoff Little Blue Feet 20.0
7) Pasley J Dream Weaver 20.0
9) Lawrence Alice Childress 22.0
10) Morris Island Express 23.0
10) Ward Tough Cookie 23.0
Lambert Cup: Ressel High Noon
Micehlob Cup: Falb Defiance
14. Officer elections were held. As has been the case
since Adam and Eve first went sailing, Eva Mack was selected as treasurer (Even though she was not present!) and Gail Morris
was selected to continue serving as statistician. Special thanks to both of them for their years of service. Darrell Lawrence
was nominated by Scott Pasley to serve as treasurer, and Scott then accepted on Darrell’s behalf! Members take note
of this, not coming to the meeting can turn you into an unwilling club officer! Scott then offered to serve as social committee
chair and was accepted by those present. Tom Falb was nominated and accepted a second term as race committee chair, with the
support of Darrell Lawrence, Gail Morris, Scott Pasley , and Dick Lueckenhoff as committee members. Jim
Pasley was push, pulled, connived, and finally convinced to serve as Commodore for 2008. Congratulations and thank you to
all that chose to serve as club officers. Anyone that is willing to assist any of these officers in 2008 is encouraged to
do so. In particular we would appreciate volunteers to serve on the race committee and help with social events!
2008 Ozark Sailing
Club Officers
Secretary: Eva
Treasurer: Darrell
Social Committee Chair:
Scott Pasley ( )
Race Committee Chair:
Tom Falb (
Race Committee: Darrell Lawrence, Gail Morris, Scott Pasley , Dick Lueckenhoff
Statistician: Gail
Morris (
15. Social Events: Scott made another request for members willing to
host social events. Scott also expressed a desire to have the club’s America ’s Cup boats ready for an Itty bitty
america ’s cup event this summer. The boats will be moved to Scott’s home so they can be worked on. Anyone interested
in volunteering to help prepare the boats for an event should contact Scott.
16. OSC Burgees are for sale while they last. $20
each, contact Scott (he has them).
17. Embroidered OSC Logo is available from two sources. Gail
can get shirts or anything flat (no hats) that you provide embroidered with logo and “Ozark Sailing Club” for
about $9 (contact her at Scott
has a contact that can provide clothing with the club logo (same source that made the sweatshirts for High Noon and Defiance ) as well. If interested in placing an order please contact Gail or Scott.
Meeting adjourned.
Thank you to all who attended the meeting. If you were unable to attend please visit the club message board and post your
ideas about the topics discussed, or feel free to open discussion on a new topic. The message board is linked off of the Bulletin
Board page on the club website ( Also, for those looking to crew or for crew this year, the first race of the season will be March 29th. Email Scott Pasley
and I will do my best to find crew for you or find you a boat to crew on. Also, there will be a social event/spring series
preparation at the Pasley's on March 22nd. Come by boat if you would like help preparing it for the season, or come by car
if you want to help others with their boat or just want to sit and discuss the art of sailing.
See You On The Water!
Scott Pasley
The regatta scheduled for this Saturday, October 27th, will start at the 1 mile mark (Duckhead
Point) at 12:00 PM. Please check in with the committee boat on VHF Channel 9 no later than 11:40 AM. The race course will
be determined by the committee boat based on wind/water conditions. The hope is to have a multiple lap windward/leeward buoy
race. This should keep the fleet closer together and provide for a more interesting sail for those of us with higher PHRF's.
I have also received two e-mail's from individuals willing to crew this weekend, so if you are looking for crew please email, The post-race social gathering, open to all club members and guests regardless if they race or
not (see also: COME JOIN US!), will be hosted by Terry and Gail Morris. They provided the following information regarding
the plans for the evening:
Since it gets dark so early now, we will start cocktail hour at 5:00 pm (or maybe
sooner), with dinner at 6:30. We will provide smoked turkey breast & pork loin. You bring a side
dish and beverage of choice.
Directions to Morris Marina & Yacht Club: 254 Big Bear Circle (365-4104). Take
Horseshoe Bend Parkway (HH) to Duckhead, turn right at the light. Then one mile down Duckhead to the dark brown Big
Bear Estates sign on the left. Turn left at that sign, down a short hill, and take the road to the right that says Big
Bear Circle. Follow it around to the last house on the right before you join back up with the main road.
White house, 2 car garage, room to park several cars in front of the garage, or in front of the house. You
can also park in our neighbor's drive that connects with ours.
If anyone is coming by water, we are on the dam side of the point with the
windmill at the one mile marker. We are about seven docks from the point - look for Island Express on the
lift. We have one open slip in our dock, and you can tie up to the outside of our dock or the neighbor's dock north
of us (towards the point). We haven't had a chance to ask them, but fellow OSC members Phil & Denice Warnken are
two docks down from us, I am sure they wouldn't mind having a boat tie up to their dock too if need be.
Dress warm - most of our seating capacity is out on our deck! (We do have
a propane heater out there for the faint of heart and cold of hand.)
Ozark Sailing Club
October 22, 2007
The October 13th Saturday race day dawned with a dark and stormy sky, sufficient to daunt the faint of
heart. The forecast was encouraging, but the morning was not. High Noon got underway in the off and on again rain
with crew festooned in colorful rainsuits, which were the only color in the dreary morning. The rain really wasn't as
bad as it looked, since it was sporatic and light; the kind where, if you had no protection, it would still take over a half
hour to get really wet. The more intrepid sailors brushed it off as a minor nuisance on a day with promising wind.
Three gallant crews, representing True Love (the boat!), Enzian, and Defiance, joined High Noon for the high noon start at a
range line off Ressel Point. The range line had been set up in the dark of the previous night, and turned out to
be somewhat less than perpendicular to the course, which was from Ressel Point to the Little Island, and back. The wind
was out of the northeast and quite fresh in the prestart maneuvering, favoring a northside start on a port broad reach. However,
as seems frequently the case, it backed and faltered right at the start, leaving crews to scramble to set their sails to squeeze
out the best push. The start was closely packed, but soon dissolved as each boat seeking what seemed to be the best
wind. As the racers departed the north shore, the apparent wind picked up, directly astern, the fleet widened out, with
Defiance on the left, High Noon in the center and Enzian on
the right, with True Love bringing up the rear. This downwind leg was closely contested with the leading three boats
never more than 100 yards apart, though at times substantially spread out laterally. They all converged at the island
which was the windward mark, with High Noon holding a slim lead, Defiance
second and "accidentaly" getting in the way of Enzian. That altercation and superior seamanship, enabled High Noon to
round the mark first and open a substantial lead on the windward and final leg. However, about halfway back, High Noon
sailed into the doldrums and gave up much of its lead to the hard charging Enzian and Defiance.
As mentioned, the finish line was a little crooked, meaning that the shortest distance was to the north side of the line.
High Noon, with home court advantage, sailed to the north side, while the others, because they were ignorant, smart, or lucky,
or couldn't point as well, headed for the south side of said line. The long and short of it was that the south side
was a better choice, because of a better wind, not because of better strategy. At any rate, while High Noon crossed
first, Defiance was only four seconds behind, with Enzian
10 seconds later. True Love brought up the rear, and the real tragedy was that she did not have any boats of around
her speed to compete with on this day. Here's to True Love, and her crew! Only 14 seconds separated the
first three boats!
It is worth noting that the duel between Enzian and High Noon was to be more or less expected, considering that
their handicaps are only about six points different. But Defiance
has a handicap that is a 100 points north, so her performance is certainly noteworthy. One hates to say that, as I'm
sure we will never hear the end of it. But it is probably as Captain Tom said, "The wind today was ideal for Defiance." The real message was that it was an ideal racing day,
and those that thought it was a miserable day to stay inside by the fire were mistaken. Soon we will all have to do
that as winter approaches, but in the meantime, let's seize the moment!
1) Falb, Ton & Sandy
S-2 7.9 Defiance
160 1:13:40 4046
2) Ressel, Don & Barbie
J 35 High Noon
72 1:13:36 4615
3) Ungerboeck, Dieter
C&C 115 Enzian 66 1:13:50
4) Milner, Don & Beth
Huges 26 True Love 240 1:54:45
The next race is scheduled for Saturday, October 27th. It is no longer the Westport Cup and the other details of the race are yet to be determined. The race will
start in the vicinity of Duckhead Point at about the 1 mile marker on the main channel. Check in with the committee
boat on channel nine by 1140 and the committee boat will give the details of the course, including the starting point, the
course and the finish line. As usual, engines should be shut down 15 minutes prior to the start time, although the committee
boat can make exceptions to that rule.
The forecast for Saturday is scattered clouds and a high of 62 degrees. No wind forecast is available
at this early date, but October winds are usually pretty good around here. The race committee has not yet made a decision
on a race on the make up date of November 3rd, so this could be the last race of the season. Winterizing is coming up,
so lets make the best of the probable last chance of the season. The after-race activity is not yet determined,
so stay tuned to your email for the latest information.
May you have fair winds and a following sea.
==DON Ressel
Ozark Sailing Club
Mainsheet Newsletter
October 10, 2007
Greetings All,
The next Ozark
Sailing Club regatta will be held this coming Saturday, October 13th at the 7 Mile Marker. Little
Blue Feet will be the committee boat, so please check in with them by hailing committee boat on VHF channel 9 no later than
11:40 AM. Race start will be at 12:00 so engines must be off by 11:45 for the race countdown. Post race party will be at Jimmy
P 's Tiki Bar (1 Mile mark across from Glencove by water, HH to Duckhead to Highline by car, look for the sign at the driveway
that says " Pasley Lane ") starting around 5:30. Burgers will be served so please bring your own drinks and a side dish. As
always, anyone looking to crew can email and I will try to match you up with a boat.
The Michelob
Cup was sailed last Saturday, October 6th. It was a great day for sailing and 7 club boats and one new recruit, Renegade, joined in on the action. The race course was set from in front of Millstone
to Mallard point. The SE wind made the race to the mark a two tack speed trial, and the steady 10 knot breeze kept things
The first race
had a wide starting line giving everyone the opportunity to pick their line and build momentum for the start. Enzian, Defiance , and Boat led the way to the first mark while Tough
Cookie sailed in her own private patch of wind. Dream Weaver, Renegade,
Little Blue Feet, and Shadowfax battled it out for the
same piece of wind to the mark. Without binoculars at the back of the fleet I could not spot the order of mark rounding for
the front runners but believe Enzian led the way. After the mark rounding
Dream Weaver, Renegade, and Shadowfax
took turns blanketing each other on the downwind
run. This tight racing continued until the crew of Shadowfax went for
a spinnaker set and managed to drop the spinnaker pole overboard! A quick man overboard drill and Shadowfax was back in the race but could never catch back up with Dream Weaver and Renegade. Race 1 results were
as follows:
CLUB Official Race Results (SKIPPER;
Boat Model, Boat Name, PHRF; hr.min.sec; adjusted sec)
6, 2007 – Michelob Trophy Two
Windward-Leeward's between Mallard Point and Millstone Committee Boat: Boat
Race 1 1) FALB Tom & Sandy ; S-2 7.9, Defiance, 160; 36.54; 2027 2) UNGERBOECK Dieter; C&C 115,
Enzian, 66; 34.00; 2153 3) HOERNER John & Sharon
; Capri 25, Boat, 179; 45.20; 2425 4) WARD Rich
& Laurie ; Catalina 27, Tough Cookie, 188; 49.12; 2600
5) PASLEY Scott & Jodie ; S-2 6.7, Shadowfax, 220; 55.40;
2819 6) PASLEY Jim & Karen ; Catalina 320, Dream Weaver,
160; 55.25; 3044 7) LUECKENHOFF Dick & Becky ; Morgan 27, Little
Blue Feat, 179; 58.00; 3103
two was run on the same course, with a much tighter starting line. This lead to some great pre-race tactics and a beautiful
fleet start. The wind continued to hold around the 10 knot mark and the fleet sailed in tight formation for the first quarter
final. Enzian headed out to the right
side of the course into clear air and pulled away from the fleet, while Defiance pulled
ahead of the pack into clean air to lead the group to the mark. Once again Shadowfax brought up the rear and missed the order of mark roundings, but did have a tight duel
at the mark with Dream Weaver. From this point
on the tight racing between Dream Weaver, Renegade, and
Shadowfax distracted me from the fleet, so
I will give you an account of what happened between these three.Renegade
slowly pulled away from the other two and Shadowfax
went for another spinnaker set....only to have a crew hat blow overboard! As we all know it is hard to lose a favorite hat,
so Shadowfax executed her second man overboard
drill of the day! By the time the hat was recovered Renegade had
a good lead on Dream Weaver and both had left
Shadowfax more than 10 boatlengths back. With
nothing to lose Shadowfax set the spinnaker
in a dying wind and managed to catch Dream Weaver at
the finishing line. Race 2 results were as follows:
2 1) FALB, Defiance; 36.39; 2013
2) HOERNER, Boat; 38.52; 2079 3) WARD , Tough Cookie; 41.15; 2180 4) UNGERBOECK, Enzian;
34.56; 2212 5) PASLEY S , Shadowfax; 56.32; 2863
6) PASLEY J , Dream Weaver; 57.42; 3169 7) LUECKENHOFF,
Little Blue Feat; 1.00.10; 3219
RESULTS 1) FALB, Defiance
2) HOERNER, Boat 3) UNGERBOECK, Enzian
4) WARD, Tough Cookie 5) PASLEY S , Shadowfax
6) PASLEY J , Dream Weaver 7) LUECKENHOFF, Little Blue Feat
Trophy won by FALB, Defiance
October 1st, 2007 Mainsheet Newsletter
Ozark Sailing Club
Notice of Race
Hello Everyone,
The next OSC regatta will be the Michelob Cup, Three Windward/Leeward races starting at Noon at the 6 MM. This event is scheduled for this Saturday, October 6th. Boat
is scheduled to be committee boat for this regatta and will reserve final judgement as to the race course and number of races
based on wind, water, and weather conditions. Please check in for the regatta by hailing the committee boat no later than
11:40 AM. Engines must be shut off no later than 11:45 AM. No one has come forward at this time to host a post race
event, so if you are interested in hosting a post race gathering please contact Scott Pasley ( Hosts usually provide a place together and a main dish for the meal (burgers and hotdogs are fine) while club members bring
side dishes. All costs 9within reason) incurred by the host are paid for by the club.
Anyone interested in crewing on a boat during this regatta is encouraged
to contact Scott Pasley ( and I will place you in contact with a Captain in need of crew.
While this is rarely an issue in our family atmosphere races,as
a reminder, Starboard tack (boats with the wind striking the vessel from the starboard side)boats have right of way over port
tack vessels and when two boats are on the same tack the leeward (boat furthest from the wind's origin) vessel has right of
way. All captains are responsible for avoiding contact with other vessels regardless of right of way conditions.
See you on the water!
Scott Pasley
Commodore at large since Commodore Ressel is on vacation and Vice Commodore Pasley is "busy". 
Ozark Sailing Club
Our illustrious
Race Committee Chairman, Tom Falb , presents the following description of last Saturday's race:
The race of May 12, 2007 raised serious and provocative questions----- would there be enough wind? Who would show up?
Would Cheez oversleep? What would be the course? Would the club survive without Don Ressel ?
The following synopsis answers these questions.
The weather man projected variable wind in the AM increasing to gale-like velocity of 5-10 mph later in the day from the
northeast. The latter (northeast) would be the key to the first race.
Seven boats appeared at Hawaiian Island . The race track was set from there to Ressel-less Point. A new boat captioned
"True Love" was making its debut----a 26 foot Hughes with a PRPH of 228. Other boats joined
the fight...Island Express (on time for a change), Alice Childress , Boat, Little Blue Feat, Dream Weaver, and Defiance
(with Ressel-less crew member, private Benjamin , from the local army base).
Just before the start, the winds were indeed variable---0 to 1 mph. However, at the start the winds picked up just at
the east end of Hawaiian Island . Defiance started closest to the island thinking it had the strongest breeze. Island
Express, Little Blue Feat, and Dream Weaver, stayed toward the south of the lake followed by Alice Childress , True
Love, with Boat in the middle.
For the first one-half mile the boats
were closely
grouped. Boat took the lead with Defiance
closing. South of them, the rest of the fleet steadily moved ahead. The south of the course had the steadier wind.
With that, Island Express, forged into the lead followed by Boat and the others.
At Ressel-less Point Island Express had a commanding lead followed by Defiance , Boat, Dream Weaver, and Little Blue Feat.
Alice Childress was somewhere in the pack as well as True Love.
On the final leg Island Express held a strong lead until it hit a hole of no wind. As a group, Defiance , Blue Feat, Boat
moved up. Little Blue Feat took a temporary second place as it stayed south of the rest of the fleet.
Fortunately for Island Express, and
unfortunately, for the rest, the hole was temporary, allowing Island Express to hold onto the lead and in fact increasing
it, beating out all boats scratch-----Defiance limped in 2nd, followed by the others in uncorrected order:
Boat, Alice Childress, Dream Weaver, Little Blue Feat, and True Love.
Island Express' victory was attributed to Terry and Gail astutely recognizing that the northeast wind meant that the south
course would avoid the wind shadow from the north shore land.
Post race controversy erupted when Capt. Jim Pasley argued that the marker had too much line causing it to drift, allowing
Alice Childress , to beat him by eight seconds. A fight almost ensued but was broken up when Karen Pasley warned Jim
he had a bum knee and that Darrell had Cheese as his backup.
The fleet decided to have a second race because the wind seemed to be filling in quite nicely. Once again controversy erupted
when the committee boat hinted that Boat had crossed the line early---- Capt Hoerner of Boat replied it looked like
a clean start to him and promptly took the lead.
Defiance , with Private Benjamin at the helm, took over the lead at about midway on the first leg, followed by Island
Express, Boat, Little Blue Feat, Alice Childress , and True Love. Defiance was able to stave
off the barbarians and win with a steady wind and did not have to tack. Because of headers, velocity headers and other
terms this writer has no knowledge of, the rest of the fleet was forced to tack and could not catch Defiance with
its new and permanent crewmember, Capt. Benjamin , formerly of Ressel and now Ressel-less.
By scratch, the other boats finished as follows: Island Express, Boat, Little Blue Feat, Alice Childress , and True Love.
Post-race party was held at the Tiki
Bar with Karen and Jim Pasley doing the honors. Despite numerous threats, no fights took place and fun was had by all.
Here are the results from Saturday's
race, the Commodore's Cup. Turned out to be much better conditions than we expected, and the wind stayed good through
afternoon. However, the
crew of Island Express was wishing that we stopped after the first race! J However, our congrats to Tom , and to Dick & Becky . New members Don & Beth Milner (hope
I got the spelling right) joined in the race in "True Love," a boat with really lovely lines. They did a terrific job in the first race keeping
up with the fleet of more experienced racers. And they managed to keep up at the party at the Tiki Bar too, where the
chicken was tender, the drinks were strong and the talk was tough! Hope we didn't scare them off, looking forward to
seeing them in the future.
After the race the Race Committee met and decided (in its infinite wisdom) to postpone the port to port race scheduled
for next Saturday and Sunday. The new schedule for that race is on the weekend after Memorial Day, June
2nd and 3rd. The water will be considerably warmer by then and we more elderly sailors will be able
to swim without freezing. Also the course will be from the Lodge of the Four Seasons to the dam on Saturday the 2nd.
The race will start at 1200 and the committee boat (to be announced) will give a countdown for a fifteen minute warning, ten
minutes, five minutes and one minute. All participating boats should check in with the committee boat on channel 9 by
1140, and all engines should be shut down by 1145. As usual, any boat crossing the start line early will have to restart
by returning to the start line, and must give way to all other racing boats. After the race the club will raft up in
the UE cove, which is the last cove before the dam on the north shore (where all the good guys live). In this case,
all participants will have to bring all their own provisions, including food and drinks, and suntan lotion. (Don't forget
On Sunday morning, the 3rd, the return race will start at 1000, so get up early and get ready. The rules will be the
same as the previous day. The finish line will be at the Lodge, and will be defined by the committee boat. These
two races will be scored as separate races for purposes of the season standings. That being the case, it is expensive
to miss these races, as they likely will decide the final spring series standings.
I had nothing to do with the rescheduling of these races, but I have to admit that I am very pleased about it because
it allows "High Noon"
to participate, and as this is one of our favorite events, I encourage all members to also participate. I'd like to emphasize
the fact that you do not have to race to participate in the raftup. All sailors are welcome. This is also a great
opportunity to include those sailors that have indicated their desire to crew by listing themselves on our website.
I wish you fair winds and a following sea.
DON Ressel Commodore
Ozark Sailing Club
To quote our illustrious Statistician, "What a great day for sailing!" Six boats gathered at Ressel Point
on May 28th for the three scheduled races around the little island and back. The wind was generally out of
the northwest, veering and backing at times, at about 10 to 20 knots, with occasional shortlived lulls. The start line
was a range line made up of the flagpole on Ressel Point and a short white pole located about 15 feet in front of it.
Everyone seemed to recognize it as all three race starts were closely packed affairs, if not close enough for handshakes,
plenty close enough for insults and the like. "Enzian" immediatly pulled out in front, tailed closely by "High Noon" and " Defiance ." "High Noon" soon discovered that it was nearly
impossible to sail through the shadow of "Enzian's" hugh pile of sails and had to be content to stay close behind.
However a big header right at the island required a double tack for "High Noon" that was unnecessary for "Enzian" and therefore opened a large gap rounding
the island. "High Noon"
gained steadily on the return leg, interrupted by a lull halfway home. That lull allowed " Defiance " to make up a lot
of ground on the two lead boats, resulting in her victory in that race. "High Noon" was able to close on "Enzian" to finish only 12 seconds
behind her and to correct over her for second. "Little Blue Feat" sailed one of her best races ever, finishing only
three minutes behind "Defiance" and if she had been in the racing fleet, would have beaten "High Noon" for second place. " Alice Childress" also sailed
well, and "Island Express" finished last, correcting only 78 seconds behind after starting around nine minutes late.
The second race started nearly the same, except that "Enzian" and "High Noon" were at opposite ends of the line, sailing courses that of necessity converged
just before the island. At about 100 yards out "Enzian" led by about two boat lengths when a large sailboat flying
just a genoa and motoring
pulled up alongside "High Noon"
to windward spoiling her wind while "Enzian" sailed away. The rogue boat finally dropped behind, though it is doubtful
that he ever understood the damage he had done. "High Noon " again gained on the return leg, but not enough.
That spot, roughly 100 yards from the island was again a " Bermuda Triangle" for "High Noon" as again chasing "Enzian" she parted
the active sheet which sent the genoa flapping like a flag, while her crew scrambled to run the lazy sheet around, haul her in and continue.
It was a good day for Dieter Ungerboeck and "Enzian" as they won the combined results in the racing fleet with two victories
and the of course the Four Seasons Cup. Dick and Becky Lueckenhoff in "Little Blue Feat" won the cruising race and the
Four Seasons Cup for that fleet. The results:
1) Falb
S-2 7,9 Defiance
1:03:06 3427
2) Ressel
High Noon
72 58:38 3676
3) Ungerboeck C&C 115
Enzian 66 58:26 3700
4) Lawrence
Pearson 26
Alice Childress 213
1:28:52 4542
5) Morris
S-2 27 Island
Express 179 1:26:22
1) Lueckenhoff Morgan 27
Little Blue Feat 175 1:06:02
1) Ungerboeck C&C 115
Enzian 66
41:21 2618
2) Ressel J35 High Noon
72 43:23
3) Falb S-2
7.9 Defiance
54:30 2960
4) Morris
S-2 27 Island
Express 179 1:01:12
5) Lawrence
Pearson 26
Alice Childress 213
1:10:48 3619
1) Lueckenhoff Morgan 27
Little Blue Feat 175
1:05:25 3519
1) Ungerboeck C&C 115 Enzian
66 42:54
2) Falb
S-2 7.9 Defiance
54:02 2935
3) Ressel J35
High Noon
72 47:24 2972
4) Morris
S-2 27 Island
Express 179
59:12 3167
5) Lawrence
Pearson 26
Alice Childress 213 1:03:30
1) Lueckenhoff Morgan 27
Little Blue Feat 175
59:45 3214
1) Ungerboeck Enzian
(Winner of Four Seasons Cup)
5) Lawrence
Alice Childress
1) Lueckenhoff Little Blue Feat (Winner
of Four Seasons Cup)
Spring 2007 Season Standings to date (3 races, one drop)
2) Ungerboeck Enzian 2.75
4) Morris
Island Express 8.00
5) Lawrence
Alice Childress 10.00
1) Lueckenhoff Little Blue Feat
2) Pasley J. Dream Weaver 5.75
The next race will be on Saturday, May 12th at Hawaiian (Atlantis) Island beginning at high noon. The start line
will be a range line made up of the white post located at the east end of Hawaiian Island, and a marker in the water approximately
100 feet south of the post. If the wind is easterly, the first leg will be to the dam with a turn in either direction
within a boat length of the barrier, and back to the start line. If the wind is westerly, the first leg will be to Ressel
Point, crossing a range line made up of the flagpole on the point and and white pole located about 20 feet in front of it.
The turn is in either direction and back to the start line. The committee boat will determine how many races (up to
three) will be run, depending on wind conditions. As usual, engines should be shut down 15 minutes prior to start.
The committee boat will give a 15 minute warning for start, as well as 10 minute and 5 minute and 1 minute. Any boat
that crosses the start line early (as called by the committee boat) must return to the start line and restart, giving way
to all racing boats in the process.
The after race dinner party will be at the Tiki Bar at the home of Jim and Karen Pasley . Enter the cove at the
half mile marker on the Horseshoe Bend side. They are located about half way down the cove, before the power lines on
the right side. You will see "Dream Weaver" moored there. By road, take Duckhead Road off HH, then right on Highline
to number 392. Bring a dish and your beverage of choice and the club will provide the main course.
I would like to strongly encourage all captains to call the sailors that have listed themselves on our website (at
our invitation) and include them in your crew if you possibly can, even if you don't actually need another crewman.
Captain Falb reports that he was very ably assisted by Brett Tintera , one such sailor, who undoubtedly contributed greatly
to " Defiance 's" fine performance in the last race.
The schedule indicates that the annual "Hooters Cup" race which is for ladies only is to start on Sunday at Village
Marina . I"ve not been apprised of the entries, but if any of you ladies are game, you should contact Eva Mack or Gail
Morris for details.
I wish you fair winds and following seas.
== DON Ressel Commodore
Ozark Sailing Club
Mainsheet Newsletter
April 6, 2007
Last Saturday, March 31st, five crews braved the howling winds and continual threat of thunderstorms and
rendezvoused off Ressel point for the first race of the spring series of 2007. The wind, generally out of the south
southwest was estimated at 15 to 25 knots with occasional gusts to 30 plus, causing plenty of whitecaps and swells.
Considering the amount of wind the Race Chairman decided to extend the race from one circuit of Snake Island and back, to
a 15 mile race from Ressel Point to Snake Island , to the dam, and then back to Ressel Point. John Reid manned the radio on "High Noon" acting as committee boat, and organized
the race, which began promptly at 12 noon. The five boats were fairly tightly bunched at the start, but "High Noon" began to pull a little ahead, followed
by " Defiance " who was closely dogged by "Dream Weaver" all the way to the island. "Little Blue Feat" and "Boat" competed
with each other as well. The leg to Snake Island was close hauled on a port tack, but "High Noon," Defiance ," and "Dream Weaver" were able to sail
the leg without tacking, gaining time on those that had to tack a couple times. All boats suffered knockdowns several
times with rails buried deeply in 51 degree water. After rounding the island and shifting the wind a point aft of the
starboard beam, near the fastest point of sail, all boats took off like scalded dogs. "High Noon" hit a peak of 10 knots on the race to the dam, while
often above 8 and regularly above 9 knots, and crews reported similar speeds on other boats. The rule was to turn at
the dam when within two boat lengths of the barrier, so that turn had to be made promptly as all boats traveled two lengths
in a few seconds. The fleet stretched out more and more on the trip to the dam and then continued to do so on the westward
run to the finish line. "High
Noon" lengthened its lead until about a quarter mile from the finish, when the wind suddenly veered to the west gusted
to around 30 knots. The helmsman was unable to turn fast enough and the boat was backwinded and broached doing a quick
360 degree counterclockwise circle. When all her marbles were gathered back together, she was unable to make the point
and had to tack twice. In second place, " Defiance " was able to make the point all right, but her tack then caused
her jib to get wrapped around the forestay causing damage to the sail. "Boat" was forced to withdraw when the hinge
pin for the mainsail boom was lost causing the boom to bang around in a disconcerting fashion. "Dream Weaver" finished
third in pretty good shape although Captain Pasley 's eyes seemed larger than normal and his pipe had gone out. The
Captain Boat
Name PHRF Time
1) Ressel, Don & Barbie J-35 High Noon 72
2:00:43 7569
2) Falb, Tom & Sandy S2 7.9 Definace 168
2:33:00 8311
Hoerner, John & Sharon Capri 25
Boat 179
1) Pasley, Jim & Karen Catalina 320 Dream Weaver 160 2:38:30 06
Lueckenhoff, Dick & Becky Morgan 27 Little Blue
Feat 175 DNF
As this race was " Platt 's Opener" the winner of the Mort Platt trophey was "High Noon" for crossing
the finish line first.
At the winter meeting a couple weeks ago there was a discussion about having some "fun" races during the
week that don't count in the standings. The first such race will be held at the three mile marker (mouth of the Village
Marina cove) at 1800 (6 o'clock pm for lubbers) on Wednesday evening, April 11th. The early switch to daylight time
helps a little here, but sunset is still at 1943 so check your navigation lights. The intended course is to the dam
and back.
Race Circular
The next race is scheduled for Saturday, April 14th at high noon beginning at Hawaiian Island at the 3
1/2 mile mark. The course will be to Snake Island with a port rounding (keep the island on your left side), and back
to Hawaiian Island . Captains are cautioned about the shallow water at the south end of Snake Island in the springtime.
Give it a wide berth. If the wind is very light, a marker will be placed in the water somewhat short of the island to
act as a windward mark, instead of the island itself. The committee boat will describe the start and finish lines
as well as the course on channel 9, so listen up in case there are any changes. Check in with the committee boat on
channel 9 by 1140. Shut down engines by 1145. The committee boat will give ten second countdowns to the 15, 10,
and 5 minute marks as well as to the start time. Any boat that crosses the start line early must return and restart
while giving way to all other boats that are participating in the race.
A note for new members or prospective new members: This racing business is not rocket science.
All you really need to know is what the course is, when the start time is, and a few rules of the road -- to wit -- keep a
good lookout; all captains must make every effort to avoid a collision; when it looks like two boats will soon
occupy the same spot in the water at the same time, the boat on a starboard tack (the wind is from the right) has the right
of way and must demand it by shouting "STARBOARD!" loudly; if both boats are on the same tack, the lee boat (the
one that is downwind) has the right of way; and when overtaking a boat, the boat being overtaken has the right of way.
None of us are going to become famous, we are just doing this for the fun of it.
After Race Party
Our gracious and scholarly hosts for the after race activities are Sandy and Tom Falb , and the party
will be held at their lovely lake home that is immediately behind Hawaiian Island . It is a white house (not the white house) to the
northeast of the island and easily identified by Tom 's boat, " Defiance " at the dock on a lift. It doesn't actually
say Defiance on the boat as Tom has been busily designing the script or something like that for the last five years or so.
By land from the dam, go northwest on State Route "W " and turn left on W-15 which is at the Highway C store which has a Sinclair
gas station. Go 1.3 miles on that hilly curvy road and then turn right on " Island View" road (gravel). After
about a quarter mile this road ends in a circle, or cul de sac. Falb's driveway is marked by a little lighthouse, and
you cannot see the house until you walk up to the lighthouse, because of the steepness of the driveway. Our Social Chairman,
Becky Luekenhoff describes the plans for the dinner party:
Because it is the Hawaiian Island Race, the party will
be on a Hawaiian Theme and Baked Ham will be provided for sandwiches (I'll get rolls) or alone. Attendees should
try to bring a dish that compliments the theme like something with pineapple, sweet and sour anything, macadamian nuts,
coconut, banana, rice or fresh vegetables or fruit. Regular baked beans, slaw, green salad, potato salad are
great too!! I'll bring a lei for folks to wear and hopefully it will be warm and some may even get out their grass
skirts and coconut covers for some hula dancing. Everyone should bring what they want to drink but if they have a tropical
libation they'd like to share, I'm sure no one would turn down a sample.
Members that have not paid their 2007 dues are encouraged to do so ASAP, and are reminded that their race results will
be scored as a DNS (did not start) until the dues are paid. If you race and then pay your dues later that same day,
your results will be counted. Our distinguished Secretery, Eva Mack , is in the process of updating the club roster,
so if there has been any change in your circumstances be sure to let her know at so the latest info will be included.
May you all have fair winds and following seas.
DON Ressel , Commodore